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  Contributor: Pamela GomiratoView/Add comments

I remember many happy memories of growing up in North Ormesby, going to the Gem and staying in for the second house if it was a good picture, wrote Pamela Gomirato (nee Wilson), who was born in 1939.

Hopping on the O bus to the Town to buy some hot roasted chestnuts outside the Town Hall. School was fun though much stricter than school is nowadays.

But we had fun and had enormous respect for our teachers and felt very honoured if on a Saturday you might go to town and have a scout around Woolworth's or go to Albert Park and maybe run in to one of them and they would say hello to you. Oh that was a big thing.

I remember Miss Johnson from Derwent Street Infants and Junior School, Miss Petty the Head Mistress in the infants, and Miss Sykes. (You did not dare speak or do any thing but sit up straight and listen in her class).

In Lawson Secondary Modern School there was Miss Nickolson, Miss Scott (My Favourite), Miss Towns the gym teacher) and Mrs Tilly who would arrive at work on her motorbike. She was a scream.

I was a Prefect at Lawson and always remember helping set up the tables at lunchtime for those wonderful school dinners, although during my infant years I did not appreciate them.

I remember having to go to the large hut down by the Pavilion Cinema to have our dinner while attending Derwent Street, and I used to hate eating my veg and especially the Sago for pudding.

Another thing I remember very clearly is, in the infants, having a nap on the fold away cots and when we woke up we had a little glass of diluted concentrated orange juice with a teaspoon of cod liver oil in it ..... UGH! It was at the end of the war and I guess we needed the nutrition as there was no fruit to be had, or very little.

I spent many happy hours in the Kings Road Library, always looking for Enid Blyton Books, and reading 'The School Friend ' Magazine. Oh I could go on and on .....

I hope to read about other people's memories on this site. I think it's wonderful. Keep up the great work .

I may be remembered by the fact that I was working at Price's Tailoring factory when a few of us girls were invited to a wedding being held for some Hungarian refugees who were living in a hostel in Haverton hill.

One of the girls worked with us at the factory and invited us. It was there that I met my former husband Paul Urban, after a very short courtship (5 months) we were married and left for Canada.

I was very home sick after one year and returned home, where we had five children. When our youngest one was 4 months old we came back to Canada were I have settled. After 25 years we divorced, and I now live in Calgary with my current husband of 18 years.

Pamela Gomirato, Calgary, Canada, 2002
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