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  Contributor: Samantha ToonView/Add comments

Samantha Toon, born 1984 at Nottingham, went to Seely School for infants and juniors before going on to Top Valley Comprehensive, and lived at Sherwood.

I remember our trip to Northumberland, my first trip away from home, we went for one week. My memories are of the funny ways the people up there said 'potato'! I also recall sneaking down the fire exits to get to the boys' rooms without anyone noticing!!

My memories of Nottingham as a whole include always meeting 'by the lions' but never being able to find the person you're looking for because everyone met there!!!

My other memories include always having a main part in school plays, and throwing a wobbly when I didn't get one; so in the end we had two Marys in the nativity play so I got my own way again!

I also remember my mum working at the school so if I was naughty and had to sit in the corridor at break I would hide under the computers so she didn't see me. I've since found out she always knew I was there but just wasn't bothered!

And then there were the trips to the swimming baths when everybody used to fight about who was getting the changing rooms as there was only two. (Of course you have a lot to hide when you're five.)

There's also the Christmas light turn-on in the market square where the lesser-known celebrities come to push the plunger!

Samantha Toon, Nottingham, 2002

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