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  Contributor: Wayne RichingsView/Add comments

Wayne Richings, who was born in 1979 at Stoke-On-Trent, lived firstly at 6 Wilson Way, Goldenhill and later at 87 Woodshuts Street, Kidsgrove.

At the three schools he went to, Goldenhill Primary, Brownhills High, and Clough Hall High, he forged friendships with many lads, including: Sean Rigby, Vincent Jordan, Andrew Cash, Roy Haire, Mark and Dave Whittaker, Mark Jones, Simon Steel, Wayne Osbourne, Billy and Macca.

I have a lot of memories from growing up, not having much money as a family, but there always being love there from our mum. No matter how hard times were she would always lighten my day with her love and words.

When my mum became ill a few years ago she stayed strong for myself, sisters, grandchildren and family. She is the greatest thing in our lives.

My greatest memory was seeing the birth of my baby boy Reece, and each day is a memory captured by pictures or memory with the things that he does and says.

I have unlimited memories of when I was a teenager growing up with the friends that I still have and see on a daily basis; having gone through so much with each other and still always being there when they have needed to be.

My nana was a very special person in my life, and I still remember some of the things she used to say to us when we were children. Strange how life can be so good and be taken from you in a matter of seconds.

My auntie Elaine also played a big part in my life: always being there and showing so much love to all that had the privilege of knowing her.

My granddad and dad, as hard as they were on us when we were children, I appreciate the things that I can remember as they have made me into the strong person that I am today.

Taking the first steps into our new home is memorable, as this is when my life really began.

Wayne Richings, Stoke-on-Trent, 2002

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